Saturday, October 01, 2005


FeedBurner rocks. I should have tried this sooner. FeedBurner works by decorating your XML feed: point FeedBurner at your feed and your subscribers at FeedBurner's feed. If you have existing subscribers, you can HTTP redirect your old feed URL to the new FeedBurner feed.
  1. The FeedBurner feed is web browser-friendly. Check out my feed to see what I'm talking about. It even has links to help users find a reader or subscribe with their existing readers.
  2. FeedBurner extrapolates your hits to get what appears to be a very accurate reader count. For example, Bloglines only hits your feed once, but FeedBurner is smart enough to ask Bloglines how many users have subscribed to your feed.
  3. FeedBurner has a feed for your feed's stats! You get updates on your feed in your own reader. Update: After further investigation, this may just be feed health notifications. We'll see.
  4. FeedBurner can redirect your links through their site and track clickthroughs.


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