Thursday, May 31, 2007
Feedback on my Guice talk in Beijing
Someone already blogged about my Guice talk:
Guice。一个Java依赖注入工具库。以前看了一些介绍,没看明白,今天一听还是明白了一些,这个东西很巧妙,看起来很优雅。演讲者就是创建人,crazybob。非常的年轻,期间提了几个问题诸如多少人用过Mock对象做UT,多少人了解Annotation等,应者寥寥。看了国内Java程序员的整体水平还不是太高。The attendees yesterday were very passionate and excited. It was as exhausting as any conference but well worth it.
I suppose the Google Developer Day in Mountain View is going on as we speak. You can still catch the live streams of the last sessions.
Photo credit: Tina Tao
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
I'm all atwitter.
I'm not sure if I'll stick with this or not. I need to give FaceBook a try, too.
Can't make it to China?
My flight arrives on the 4th. Think I'll be jet lagged? :)
Guice in Beijing
I deliberately left the grounded extension cable to my MacBook Pro at home. At the time, something in the back of my mind told me I shouldn't, and that something was right. I brought an airline adapter which proved useless--my seat had a US power outlet. Unfortunately, the power brick wouldn't fit in the little nook where the outlet was. The extension cable would have worked perfectly. Luckily, I brought 3 batteries.
My room at the Hotel Nikko has US power outlets, too. My T-Mobile Blackberry Pearl works just fine, even as a bluetooth modem.
I'm sticking around for the weekend for a little a sightseeing. I plan on visiting the Great Wall, Forbidden City, etc. Drop me a line if you're in the area or if you have any travel tips.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
@ Maker Faire Today

I'll be taking pictures with my new camera and trying to teach my two-year-old how to solder. Email me if you're around:
The picture above if from the high speed photography exhibit at last year's faire.
As an aside, I think it's time for me to sign up for Twitter so I can post announcements like this there. If you're on Twitter already, please send me your info so I don't get lonely.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Google Developer Podcast: Guice
Subscribe to the podcast feed to find out about new episodes.